Hingham Rectory Bowls Club
1. Name
The Club shall be called HINGHAM RECTORY BOWLS CLUB
2. The Object
The object shall be to Promote, Foster, and Encourage and Safeguard the game of Lawn Bowls; and for the provision of opportunities for recreation, social intercourse and refreshment for the benefit of its members.
3. Affiliation
The Club shall be affiliated to the English Bowling Association and the English Bowling Federation Association.
4. Membership
Membership shall be open to any person, regardless of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief or ability, who completes a membership form and pays the relevant subscription as determined by the Club.
The Club Annual Subscription shall be determined each year at the A.G.M. and shall not be set at a level which poses a significant obstacle to membership or use of the facilities. Annual subscription must be paid by 1st May. Failure to do so will render such members to be ineligible to play in any competitive game.
If a case of hardship occurs, then arrangements to collect subs on a weekly/monthly basis can be arranged with the Treasurer.
All fees due for members entering county competitions (EBA or Federation) must be paid at the time of entry. Team members may pay other players fees by arrangement.
The Club Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the members.
5. Officers
The management of the Club shall be entrusted to a Committee consisting of the Chairman, (Honorary) Secretary, (Honorary) Treasurer and five other officers of the Club who shall be elected annually at the Annual General meeting.
The Committee shall meet at least five times each year and at all meetings of the Committee five members shall form a quorum.
6. Annual General Meeting
An AGM of the Club shall be held not later than the end of October each year. 21 clear days’ written notice shall be given to members at their home address or email address. Members must advise the Secretary in writing fourteen days’ notice of any business to be considered at the AGM. The Secretary shall circulate notice of the agenda for the meeting to members not less than 7 days before the meeting.
The Officers and Management Committee shall be elected annually at the AGM. All nominations shall be given to the Secretary not less than fourteen days before the AGM. In the event of their being more nominations than vacancies, an open vote shall be taken among members attending the AGM.
The Officers and Management Committee shall take office immediately following their election.
In the event of an office falling vacant during the succeeding year, the Management Committee may elect a successor to fill the position until the next AGM.
7. General Meetings
An extraordinary general meeting may be convened at any time and shall be convened within twenty-one days on the requisition of either the Committee or members of the Club [by either thirty members or one fifth of the membership whichever is the less].
The quorum at any general meeting shall be ten.
At all meetings of the Club each fully paid-up member shall have one vote.
8. Accounts
The Treasurer shall cause to be kept such accurate and proper books of account as will enable them at every AGM or any other time as may be required by the Committee [upon reasonable notice] to present to the Club a full and accurate report and statement concerning the finances of the Club.
Full accounts of the financial affairs duly examined by an independent examiner shall be delivered to every member with the notice convening the AGM or any other time as required by the committee.
The Treasurer shall have the authority to spend up to £250. Any amount above this must receive the prior permission of the General Committee.
No money or property of the Club or any gain arising from the running of the Club shall be applied otherwise than for the benefit of the Club as a whole. Any surplus income must be reinvested in the Club. There will be no distribution of the Club assets in case or in kind to members or third parties.
9. Dissolution
In the event of the dissolution of the Club, if there remains, after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any property or money, this shall not be distributed amongst members but shall be applied to approved sporting or charitable purposes, i.e. given to another CASC, a registered charity or sport’s governing body.
10. Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy
Hingham Rectory Bowls Club fully accepts its legal and moral obligation to exercise its duty of care and to protect all children and vulnerable adults participating in its activities and to safeguard welfare.
The Club is committed to do this by acknowledging that:
All welfare of the individual is paramount.
Each individual irrespective of age, gender, religion, race or disability has the right to protection from abuse.
Each individual has a right to be safe and to be treated with respect and dignity.
The Club will use its best endeavours to ensure that:
All allegations of abuse are taken seriously.
The response is swift and appropriate.
The effectiveness of the policy is reviewed annually.
A responsible person shall be appointed annually as Child Protection Officer to whom members can address any concerns.
11. Guests
A member wishing to introduce a friend may do so first by entering their own name and their guest’s name in a book provided for that purpose.
The member shall pay any green fees for any guest(s) who plays as agreed at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have the power to refuse admission to any such guest without assigning a reason.
Members are directly responsible for the behaviour of their guest(s) and must remain in the club until their guest(s) leave. A guest or guests can only be signed in once a month.
12. Dress Code
Club Competitions Dress Code
Plain white shirt or club shirt grey trousers or skirts.
Shorts are permitted.
Correct bowls shoes must always be worn on the green
Flat soled normal shoes are only permitted for NEW players thinking of taking up the game, for a trial period.
13. Date of Rules
The Constitution and Rules were passed at the Annual General Meeting held on 13th October 2021.
The above Constitution is operative as of 13th October 2021.